Sunday, April 26, 2020

Social Media Marketing/Promotion

Many people consider social media as a new marketing tool. An organization can utilize online social platforms to either market or promote its goods and services. Online social platforms centre on relations with friends, prospective clients and existing clients.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Social Media Marketing/Promotion specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Basically, when an organization begins to embark on social platform, it is unsure where to begin. This paper explains ways into which B2B organization is utilizing social media like Twitter and Facebook in promoting its products (Johnson, 2009). Online social platforms play significant roles in marketing, but these roles depend on the business as well as how the business matches the needs of its customers. They, in addition, depend on the resources the organization is willing to use in order to market and/or to promote its products. Implementing social media promoting has not been simple. A 2009 research found that about 68% of B2B organizations utilized social platforms so as to grow their businesses and improve on their decision making (Goodwin, 1991). Organizations are certainly gaining extensively from clients move towards emerging media platforms like social online sites as a method of obtaining data. At first, organizations appeared on the online platforms with conventional specific business websites. But the emergence of new social networking sites has altered the way organizations promote their products. Currently, numerous organizations have turned to dynamic social sites like Twitter and Facebook in order to promote products. At present, it appears that if an organization is not engaging social platforms, it is at risk of remaining uncompetitive and missing an opportunity of engaging many consumers. Given the economic slowdown, it is no shock that emerging social platform marketing is the sole rescue for numerous organizations ’ marketing attempts. Ideally, businesses do not have $2,000,000 for advertising but they can inject about $50,000 towards online sweepstakes that can be promoted via diverse platforms and advertising methods (Goodwin, 1991).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Besides, there are other online social sites and techniques for promotion that could be efficient and less expensive. For instance, growing and local organizations have started creating Facebook profiles and blogs rendering occasions regarding their grand activities, advertising and promotion almost free. Overall, from an organizations’ view, emerging media promotion and campaigning is a half-half position. Organizations have the opportunity of accessing and reaching out to many people while reducing their budget share on advertising (Johnson, 2009). Facebook and Twitter present an opportunity for organizati ons since they allow people to create business profiles that comprise images of products and details regarding these products. An organization can market its products on a full page on Twitter and Facebook with no additional costs. Businesses use social media to remain linked to their customers. An organization can utilize a social platform to draw users to their products. Easy emails are enough to contact prospective consumers, and allow them to view products that the business deals with (Johnson, 2009). Through social media organizations can develop worldwide relationship that aid them in discussing product strengths, need for improvement, or quality concerns and make necessary adjustments. An organization can keep its customers updated via social media. For instance when an organization is introducing a new product, it can test the product based on an online market and request response from consumers via social sites. A company is capable of communicating and getting responses fr om its clients in all phases of product development. Businesses use this approach so as to minimize cost incurred during product development instead of testing the new product in an actual market (Goodwin, 1991). Business-2-Business brands The clothing sector has numerous rivalries especially with the emerging renewal of classy jeans. Currently, different B2B brands are joining the jean market. The competitors are Blue Cult, Diesel, Earnest Sewn, True Religion and Rock. Although Diesel began operations as a jeans clothing product and also that denims are still fashionable to date, jeans are viewed not like denim brand anymore but as the urban classy brand.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Social Media Marketing/Promotion specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Among the brands and apparel firms that aim the sporty smart people only Diesel and Rock brands can be said to be direct competitors. Rock is a Japanese firm that manufacturers and distributes denim clothing as well as other fabric options, not very fashionable in design but, in addition, likeable to middle age people (Eric, 2005). Diesel is an American brand which targets informal fashion sensitive individuals that require denim and other fabrics coupled with increased details and differentiation, both in fashion and fabric of the clothing (p. 67). Competitive Analysis Basically, Diesel has been operational for decades and has dealt with concerns in a manner that no other organization could shine it out. The fact that Diesel and Rock were expanding so much could have damaged their status as non conventional brands but nowadays the companies are struggling to defend their reputation by establishing company based network of clothing outlets where they are capable of controlling the setting where their products are sold (Eric, 2005). Besides, Diesel and Rock companies are keeping their products away from large trading stores where the products share similar setting with other brands (p. 68). Differentiation Strategy The advertising framework engaged by Diesel differentiates it from its rivalries whereas Rock portrays framework utilizing the clothing in a semi levelled situation. Diesel performs well at generating tales regarding its brands. In the youth clothes market, the sensitivity to a brand by users principally depends on the promotion campaigns especially through social media. The value displayed on the brand is determined by the technology utilized and the advertising approach that is initiated semi annually. Rock may alter its adverts for each collection but the technology does not change: models posturing in action and inscribed information about the clothing.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More An easy and old concept of clothing adverts. Rock applies also models of urban setting and all placed along tarmac surfaces and being alert (Eric, 2005). Diesel brands have retained their stories for decades and consumers even expect the company to generate winning tales rather than the classy persons posturing with descent clothing. Basically, Diesel consolidates in single setting clothing, nature and the brand. The theme and topic selected for the adverts make Diesel’s campaigns even more unique. Of late, its themes are not as original as before but still the business remains peculiar in the choosing and the intention of the advertising themes (Eric, 2005). Both Rock and Diesel clothing stores present their collection semi annually. This keeps consumers waiting for good ads regularly. The invention runs on all adverts, form necklaces to clothes and a consumer is ever anticipating different and newly generated ads from Diesel. In addition the advert initiated by the two stor es is a stuff to be desired since consumers, after decades of winning adverts, do expect something impressing and/or surprising through the newly developed campaign (Eric, 2005). In conclusion, like the other firms operating in the clothing sector, Rock and Diesel are struggling to retain their market share. Any time, a rival or an emerging clothing firm may penetrate the market and begin producing clothing as good as that produced by both stores and recruiting an advertising group in order to generate competitive marketing strategies. Bibliography Eric, G. (2005). Diesel Case Study. Journal of Communication Planning, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 66-72. Goodwin, C. (1991). Privacy: Recognition of a Consumer Right. Journal of Public Policy Marketing, Vol.10, No.1, pp.149-166. Johnson, G. (2009). Computer Ethics. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. This essay on Social Media Marketing/Promotion was written and submitted by user Nathalie Hawkins to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.